Source code for dendrocat.utils

import numpy as np
from radio_beam import Beams
from radio_beam.utils import BeamError
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import MaskedColumn, Column, vstack
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBar
from astropy.stats import mad_std
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings
import regions

class NonEquivalentError(Exception):

def get_index_masked(table):
    Returns indices of rows in a table that contain one or more masked entries.

    table : ~astropy.table.Table
        The table to check for masked entries.


    ind = []
        for i, row in enumerate(table.mask):
            if np.array(list(row)).any():
    except TypeError:
        for i, somebool in enumerate(table.mask):
            if somebool:

    return np.array(ind)

def specindex(nu1, nu2, f1, alpha):

    Calculate some flux given two wavelengths, one flux, and the spectral
    return f1*(nu2/nu1)**(alpha)

def findrow(idx, catalog):
    Find a specific row of a catalog by '_idx' number.
    idx = int(idx)
    return catalog[np.where(catalog['_idx'] == idx)]

def rms(x, mean_abs_dev=False):
    Calculate the root mean squared of some x.
    if mean_abs_dev:
        return (np.absolute(np.mean(x**2) - (np.mean(x))**2))**0.5
        return mad_std(x)

def load(infile):
    Load a pickle file.
    import pickle
    filename = infile.split('.')[0]+'.pickle'
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        return pickle.load(f)

[docs]def ucheck(quantity, unit): """ Check if a quantity already has units, and attempt conversion if so. Parameters ---------- quantity : scalar, array, or `~astropy.units.Unit` The quantity to check for units. If scalar, units will assumed to be the same as in the "unit" argument. unit : `~astropy.units.Unit` The unit to check against. If the "quantity" argument already has an associated unit, a conversion will be attempted. """ if isinstance(quantity, Column): name = if quantity.unit is None: quantity.unit = unit warnings.warn("Assuming quantity is in {}".format(unit)) return Column(quantity, name=name) elif unit.is_equivalent(quantity.unit): return Column(, name=name) else: raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") elif isinstance(quantity, MaskedColumn): name = if quantity.unit is None: quantity.unit = unit warnings.warn("Assuming quantity is in {}".format(unit)) return MaskedColumn(quantity, name=name) elif unit.is_equivalent(quantity.unit): return MaskedColumn(, name=name) else: raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") elif isinstance(quantity, regions.PixCoord): if unit.is_equivalent(u.pix): return quantity else: raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") elif isinstance(quantity, SkyCoord): if unit.is_equivalent(u.deg): return quantity else: raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") elif type(quantity) == list or type(quantity) == tuple: existing_units = [] for item in quantity: try: existing_units.append(item.unit) except AttributeError: existing_units.append(None) if all(u1 is None for u1 in existing_units): warnings.warn("Assuming quantity is in {}".format(unit)) return quantity*unit else: for u1 in existing_units: all_except_u1 = [x for x in existing_units if x != u1] for u2 in all_except_u1: if u1 is not None and u2 is not None: if u1.is_equivalent(u2): pass else: raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") elif u1 is not None and u2 is None: raise NonEquivalentError("Cannot mix units and scalars") elif u1 is None and u2 is not None: raise NonEquivalentError("Cannot mix units and scalars") return [ for item in quantity]*unit else: # Unit is a single scalar or unit if unit.is_equivalent(quantity): return elif hasattr(quantity, 'unit'): raise NonEquivalentError("Non-equivalent units") else: return quantity * unit warnings.warn("Assuming quantity is in {}".format(unit))
def commonbeam(major1, minor1, pa1, major2, minor2, pa2): """ Create a smallest bounding ellipse around two other ellipses. Give ellipse dimensions as astropy units quantities. """ major1 = ucheck(major1, unit=u.deg) minor1 = ucheck(minor1, unit=u.deg) pa1 = ucheck(pa1, unit=u.deg) major2 = ucheck(major2, unit=u.deg) minor2 = ucheck(minor2, unit=u.deg) pa2 = ucheck(pa2, unit=u.deg) somebeams = Beams([,]*u.arcsec, [,]*u.arcsec, [pa1, pa2]*u.deg) for tolerance in (1e-4, 5e-5, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7): try: common = somebeams.common_beam(tolerance=tolerance) break except BeamError: continue new_major = common._major new_minor = common._minor new_pa = common._pa return,, new_pa def saveregions(catalog, outfile, skip_rejects=True): """ Save a catalog as a a DS9 region file. Parameters ---------- catalog : astropy.table.Table, RadioSource, or MasterCatalog object The catalog or catalog-containing object from which to extract source coordinates and ellipse properties. outfile : str Path to save the region file. skip_rejects : bool, optional If enabled, rejected sources will not be saved. Default is True """ if outfile.split('.')[-1] != 'reg': warnings.warn('Invalid or missing file extension. Self-correcting.') outfile = outfile.split('.')[0]+'.reg' if skip_rejects: catalog = catalog[np.where(catalog['rejected'] == 0)] with open(outfile, 'w') as fh: fh.write("icrs\n") for row in catalog: fh.write("ellipse({}, {}, {}, {}, {}) # text={{}}\n" .format(row['x_cen'], row['y_cen'], row['major_fwhm']/2., row['minor_fwhm']/2., row['position_angle'], row['_name'])) def match(*args, verbose=True, threshold=0.036*u.arcsec): """ Find sources that match up between any number of dendrocat objects. Parameters ---------- *args : `~dendrocat.Radiosource`, `~dendrocat.Mastercatalog`, or `~astropy.table.Table` object A catalog with which to compare radio sources. verbose : bool, optional If enabled, output is fed to the console. Returns ---------- `~dendrocat.MasterCatalog` object """ from .mastercatalog import MasterCatalog # original threshold was 1e-5 degrees threshold = current_arg = args[0] for k in range(len(args)-1): arg1 = current_arg arg2 = args[k+1] all_colnames = set(arg1.catalog.colnames + arg2.catalog.colnames) stack = vstack([arg1.catalog, arg2.catalog]) all_colnames.add('_index') try: stack.add_column(Column(range(len(stack)), name='_index')) except ValueError: stack['_index'] = range(len(stack)) stack = stack[sorted(list(all_colnames))] rejected = np.where(stack['rejected'] == 1)[0] if verbose: print('Combining matches') pb = ProgressBar(len(stack) - len(rejected)) i = 0 while True: if i >= len(stack) - 1: break if i in rejected: i += 1 continue teststar = stack[i] delta_p = deepcopy(stack[stack['rejected']==0]['_idx', '_index', 'x_cen', 'y_cen']) delta_p.remove_rows(np.where(delta_p['_index']==teststar['_index'])[0]) delta_p['x_cen'] = np.abs(delta_p['x_cen'] - teststar['x_cen']) delta_p['y_cen'] = np.abs(delta_p['y_cen'] - teststar['y_cen']) delta_p.sort('x_cen') found_match = False dist_col = MaskedColumn(length=len(delta_p), name='dist', mask=True) for j in range(min(10, len(delta_p))): dist_col[j] = np.sqrt(delta_p[j]['x_cen']**2. + delta_p[j]['y_cen']**2) if dist_col[j] <= threshold: found_match = True delta_p.add_column(dist_col) delta_p.sort('dist') if found_match: match_index = np.where(stack['_index'] == delta_p[0]['_index']) match = deepcopy(stack[match_index]) stack.remove_row(match_index[0][0]) # Find the common bounding ellipse new_x_cen = np.average([match['x_cen'], teststar['x_cen']]) new_y_cen = np.average([match['y_cen'], teststar['y_cen']]) # Find new ellipse properties new_maj, new_min, new_pa = commonbeam( float(match['major_fwhm']), float(match['minor_fwhm']), float(match['position_angle']), float(teststar['major_fwhm']), float(teststar['minor_fwhm']), float(teststar['position_angle']) ) # Replace properties of test star stack[i]['x_cen'] = new_x_cen stack[i]['y_cen'] = new_y_cen stack[i]['major_fwhm'] = new_maj.value stack[i]['minor_fwhm'] = new_min.value stack[i]['position_angle'] = new_pa.value # Replace masked data with available values from the match for k, masked in enumerate(stack.mask[i]): colname = stack.colnames[k] if masked: stack[i][colname] = match[colname] i += 1 if verbose: pb.update() # Fill masked detection column fields with 'False' for colname in stack.colnames: if 'detected' in colname: stack[colname].fill_value = 0 stack['_index'] = range(len(stack)) current_arg = MasterCatalog(arg1, arg2, catalog=stack) return current_arg