Source code for dendrocat.mastercatalog

from astropy.table import MaskedColumn, vstack, hstack, Table
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from copy import deepcopy
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle

if __package__ == '':
    __package__ = 'dendrocat'
from .utils import rms, specindex, ucheck
from .radiosource import RadioSource
from .aperture import Aperture

class ApertureError(Exception):

[docs]class MasterCatalog: """ An object to store combined data from two or more RadioSource objects. """ def __init__(self, *args, catalog=None): """ Create a new master catalog object. Parameters ---------- catalog : astropy.table.Table object The master table from which to build the catalog object. *args : radiosource.RadioSource objects RadioSource objects from which the master table was built. """ if catalog is not None: self.catalog = catalog self.accepted = catalog[catalog['rejected']==0] self.add_objects(*args)
[docs] def grab(self, name, skip_rejects=False): """ Grab a source or sources by name. Parameters ---------- name : str or list String or list of strings to search the catalog "_name" header for. skip_rejects : bool, optional If enabled, rejected sources will not be queried. Disabled by default. """ if skip_rejects: catalog = self.accepted else: catalog = self.catalog if type(name) == tuple or type(name) == list: name = np.array(name).astype(str) indices = [] for i in range(len(catalog)): if catalog['_name'][i] in names: indices.append(i) indices = np.array(indices) return catalog[indices] else: return self.catalog[self.catalog['_name']==str(name)]
[docs] def add_objects(self, *args): """ Add a new `~dendrocat.RadioSource` object to the existing master catalog. Parameters ---------- *args : '~dendrocat.RadioSource` objects RadioSource objects to add to the master catalog. """ if not hasattr(self, 'other_catalogs'): self.other_catalogs = [] for obj in args: if isinstance(obj, MasterCatalog): for key, value in obj.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(value, RadioSource): self.__dict__[key] = value else: objname = [k for k, v in locals().items() if v is obj][0] self.other_catalogs.append(obj) setattr(self, objname, obj)
[docs] def add_sources(self, *args): """ Add source entries from another catalog. Parameters ---------- *args : astropy.table.Table objects Source tables to vertically stack with the existing master catalog. """ for sources in args: self.catalog = vstack([self.catalog, sources]) self.catalog['_index'] = range(len(self.catalog))
[docs] def photometer(self, *args, catalog=None): """ Add photometry data columns to the master catalog. Parameters ---------- args : `~dendrocat.Aperture` objects The apertures to use for photometry. Can be given as either instances or objects, to use fixed or variable aperture widths, respectively. catalog : astropy.table.Table object The catalog from which to extract source coordinates and ellipse parameters. """ for aperture in args: if catalog is None: catalog = self.catalog rs_objects = [] for i, obj in enumerate(self.__dict__.values()): if isinstance(obj, RadioSource): rs_objects.append(obj) for i, rs_obj in enumerate(rs_objects): data = cutouts, cutout_data = rs_obj._make_cutouts(catalog=catalog, save=False) pix_in_aperture = rs_obj.get_pixels( aperture, catalog=catalog, data=data, cutouts=cutouts, )[0] names = [ rs_obj.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_peak', rs_obj.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_sum', rs_obj.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_rms', rs_obj.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_median', rs_obj.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_npix' ] peak_data = np.zeros(len(pix_in_aperture)) for j in range(len(pix_in_aperture)): try: peak_data[j] = np.max(pix_in_aperture[j]) except ValueError: peak_data[j] = float('nan') aperture_peak_col = MaskedColumn(data=peak_data, name=names[0]) sum_data = np.zeros(len(pix_in_aperture)) for j in range(len(pix_in_aperture)): ind = [pix_in_aperture[j] > 0.] try: sum_data[j] = np.sum(pix_in_aperture[j][ind])/rs_obj.ppbeam except TypeError: # Catches single pixel apertures sum_data[j] = float('nan') aperture_sum_col = MaskedColumn(data=sum_data, name=names[1]) rms_data = np.zeros(len(pix_in_aperture)) for j in range(len(pix_in_aperture)): rms_data[j] = rms(pix_in_aperture[j]) aperture_rms_col = MaskedColumn(data=rms_data, name=names[2]) median_data = np.zeros(len(pix_in_aperture)) for j in range(len(pix_in_aperture)): median_data[j] = np.median(pix_in_aperture[j]) aperture_median_col = MaskedColumn(data=median_data, name=names[3]) npix_data = np.zeros(len(pix_in_aperture)) for j in range(len(pix_in_aperture)): if np.isnan(pix_in_aperture[j]).any(): npix_data[j] = float('nan') else: npix_data[j] = len(pix_in_aperture[j]) aperture_npix_col = MaskedColumn(data=npix_data, name=names[4]) try: self.catalog.remove_columns(names) except KeyError: pass self.catalog.add_columns([ aperture_peak_col, aperture_sum_col, aperture_rms_col, aperture_median_col, aperture_npix_col ]) # Mask NaN values for col in self.catalog.colnames: try: isnan = np.argwhere(np.isnan(list(self.catalog[col]))) self.catalog.mask[col][isnan] = True except TypeError: pass
[docs] def ffplot(self, rsobj1, rsobj2, apertures=[], bkg_apertures=[], alphas=None, peak=False, label=False, log=True, outfile=None): """ Produce a flux-flux plot for two `~dendrocat.RadioSource` objects. Parameters ---------- rsobj1 : `~dendrocat.RadioSource` object One of two radio source objects from which to make a flux-flux plot. rsobj2 : `~dendrocat.RadioSource` object The other of two radio source objects from which to make a flux-flux plot. apertures : list List of `~dendrocat.Aperture` objects to use for source apertures. bkg_apertures : list List of `~dendrocat.Aperture` objects to use for background apertures. alphas : list, optional Spectral indices to overplot on top of the flux-flux data. 1, 2, and 3 will be used by default. peak : bool, optional If enabled, peak flux inside the aperture is used instead of aperture sum. Disabled by default. label : bool, optional If enabled, labels will be printed on the plot to identify sources. Disabled by default. log : bool, optional If enabled, results will be shown on log-log axes. Enabled by default. outfile : str, optional If provided, output plot will be saved to this file path. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if type(apertures) != list: apertures = list([apertures]) if type(bkg_apertures) != list: bkg_apertures = list([bkg_apertures]) if len(bkg_apertures) != len(apertures): raise ApertureError('Must give equal number of apertures and ' 'background apertures') if > rsobj1, rsobj2 = rsobj2, rsobj1 catalog = deepcopy(self.catalog) colors = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] if alphas is None: alphas = [1, 2, 3] cols = [] for aperture in apertures: if peak: cols.append(rsobj1.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_peak') cols.append(rsobj2.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_peak') else: cols.append(rsobj1.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_sum') cols.append(rsobj2.freq_id+'_'+aperture.__name__+'_sum') for bkg_aperture in bkg_apertures: cols.append(rsobj1.freq_id+'_'+bkg_aperture.__name__+'_rms') cols.append(rsobj2.freq_id+'_'+bkg_aperture.__name__+'_rms') try: index = list(set(range(len(catalog)))^ set(np.nonzero(catalog.mask[cols])[0]) .union(set(np.where(catalog['rejected']==1)[0]))) except KeyError: for aperture in apertures: self.photometer(aperture) catalog = deepcopy(self.catalog) index = list(set(range(len(catalog)))^ set(np.nonzero(catalog.mask[cols])[0]) .union(set(np.where(catalog['rejected']==1)[0]))) catalog = catalog[index] flux1 = [] flux2 = [] err1 = [] err2 = [] for aperture in apertures: if peak: flux1.append(catalog['{}_{}_peak'.format(rsobj1.freq_id, aperture.__name__)]) flux2.append(catalog['{}_{}_peak'.format(rsobj2.freq_id, aperture.__name__)]) else: flux1.append(catalog['{}_{}_sum'.format(rsobj1.freq_id, aperture.__name__)]) flux2.append(catalog['{}_{}_sum'.format(rsobj2.freq_id, aperture.__name__)]) for bkg_aperture in bkg_apertures: err1.append(catalog[rsobj1.freq_id+bkg_aperture.__name__+'_rms']) err2.append(catalog[rsobj2.freq_id+bkg_aperture.__name__+'_rms']) marker_labels = catalog['_name'] xflux = np.linspace(np.min(flux1), np.max(flux1), 10) yfluxes = [] for alpha in alphas: yfluxes.append(specindex(,, xflux, alpha)) n_images = len(apertures) xplots = int(np.around(np.sqrt(n_images))) yplots = xplots fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=yplots, nrows=xplots, figsize=(12, 12)) for i in range(len(apertures)-1): ax = np.ndarray.flatten(np.array(axes))[i] ax.errorbar(flux1[i], flux2[i], xerr=err1[i], yerr=err2[i], ms=2, alpha=0.75, elinewidth=0.5, color=colors[i], fmt='o', label='{} Aperture Sums'.format(apertures[i].__name__)) for j, yflux in enumerate(yfluxes): ax.plot(xflux, yflux, '--', color=colors[np.negative(j)], label='Spectral Index = {}'.format(alphas[j])) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if label: for j, label in enumerate(marker_labels): ax.annotate(label, (flux1[i][j], flux2[i][j]), size=8) if peak: if log: plt.xlabel('Log Peak Flux {}'.format(rsobj1.freq_id)) plt.ylabel('Log Peak Flux {}'.format(rsobj2.freq_id)) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') else: plt.xlabel('Peak Flux {}'.format(rsobj1.freq_id)) plt.ylabel('Peak Flux {}'.format(rsobj2.freq_id)) else: if log: plt.xlabel('Log Flux {}'.format(rsobj1.freq_id)) plt.ylabel('Log Flux {}'.format(rsobj2.freq_id)) plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') else: plt.xlabel('Flux {}'.format(rsobj1.freq_id)) plt.ylabel('Flux {}'.format(rsobj2.freq_id)) plt.suptitle('{} Flux v. {} Flux'.format(rsobj2.freq_id, rsobj1.freq_id)) plt.legend() if outfile is not None: plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')